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Responsibilities of Your Club

Responsibility of Recognition

Along with the benefits of University recognition, student organizations are held to a high standard reflective of the quality of educational experience that Appalachian seeks for its students. This manual is intended to provide you with an overview of those expectations. What follows are policies and expectations that are designed to assist student organizations in becoming more effective in providing their membership with a positive co-curricular experience. As an officer in the organization, you are responsible for insuring that your organization provides that experience. You can enhance your effectiveness by utilizing the resources in the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, becoming familiar with policies and procedures related to organizational operations, and educating your members about the benefits and expecations associated with being part of an educational community.

General Officer Responsibilities

While all members are encouraged to seek the assistance of the Center and maintain the efficiency of the organization, it is the officers who are held accountable for the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Organizational Structure

All organizations recognized by Appalachian have a constitution that defines the role, purpose and operation of the group. The officers are responsible for insuring that the constitution is followed. There must be one person who serves as spokesperson for the group. It is not important what that person is called but the University requires that one person be designated as the contact person for each organization. Other officers and positions may exist as necessary for each group. The University also requires that each group has a full-time member of the faculty or administrative staff serve as advisor to the group.

Budgeting and Finance

Effective financial management is imperative to all successful organizations. Recognized student organizations must maintain a record of all monies received. If a checking account exists for the organization it must require two signatures for any withdrawals. Banks in the area will work with you on this process. The University provides limited funding for recognized student organizations. Effective record keeping is imperative to be eligible for this funding.

Elections and Leadership

The University requires that the spokesperson for a group (president or otherwise) be a student. Additionally, officers must be students enrolled at Appalachian and the operation and decision-making for the organization must rest locally with the students. Elections must be held in accordance with the prescribed constitution.

Officer Education and Orientation

It is imperative that the outgoing officers plan and implement an orientation for newly elected officers with the assistance of the faculty advisor. This insures continuity and effectiveness in student groups. The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership has numerous resources in this area.

Membership Involvement and Motivation

Leaders cannot and should not be expected to carry the weight of leadership. Leaders must enlist the members in the operations of the group. This can be accomplished through regular meetings that allow for member participation, effective planning that engages members in setting goals, and in the delegation of responsibility. It is through this process that a leader will insure the continuation of his/her group after graduation.

Membership Recruitment and Education

New members are the lifeblood of any organization. Leaders and current members must plan an effective recruitment effort that promotes the visibility of the organization, communicates the purpose and expectations of the group, defines the benefits of membership, and creates an excitement in interested students. While your organization might have an annual or semi-annual membership drive, membership recruitment should occur year round. Invite prospective members to activities regardless of whether you are currently taking new members. An effective plan that engages everyone in the organization in membership recruitment is best. Appalachian believes that students can benefit by involvement in your organization or we would not have recognized it.

Faculty Advisor

All student organizations are required to have a faculty advisor who must be a full-time faculty or administrative staff member of the University. In addition to responsibilities of signing forms and keeping organizational files and accompanying groups on trips, this individual can be an invaluable resource in planning programs, developing ideas and providing continuity.

Just as student organizations vary in their purposes, objectives and activities, the role and functions of the faculty advisor will vary within each organization. It is essential, however, to maintain open communication with the advisor and to ask for specific help when needed.


All recognized groups are required to obtain an organizational mail box with the University postal services, or a departmental mailing address. The annual $16 ASU box rental fee entitles organizations to University mail services and free inter-campus mail privileges.

Adherence to Policies and Procedures

All successful organizations and systems operate on established policies and procedures whether written or understood. Appalachian is no exception. Contained in this resource manual are policies that are presently in place. It does not contain all policies or each policy in complete form. As the leader of your organization, you are expected to insure that your members adhere to these policies. The Center can assist you by clarifying questions, assisting in planning, or generally meeting with your group. A judicial process exists for adjudicating questions related to organizational activities.

Contact Us

Rm. 219, Plemmons Student Union
P.O. Box 32200
263 Locust Street
Boone, NC 28608